Thursday, 2 September 2010

Elderberries in the hedgerows

The many happy days spend doing nothing other than cooking and looking for things growing in the hedgerow are - unfortunately - soon to draw to a close in favour of the pursuit of Mammon.

However, time at least to mention that the elderberries are hanging in rich dark beads from the elder bushes. Elder, Sambucus, grows wild in any rough or cleared ground around us as well as filling the hedgerows.

In late spring the bushes are covered with beautiful bunches of tiny aromatic white flowers.  These make delicious cordial and even work deep-fried in batter (seriously, I'll add a recipe in the spring).  Anyway, the blossom has now turned to fruit as the leaves begin to yellow.

These bunches of blackcurrant-tasting fruit are an old fashioned cure for colds (full of vitamin C) and W also told O and me a recipe for making a syrup he sometimes used.  I didn't write it down, but if I find any other good recipes, and am idle for long enough to try it, I will add it to the blog.  I am sure Richard Mabey will have one in Food for Free.

Beautiful elderberries, like little black pearls

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