Tuesday 13 July 2010

Globe artichokes in lemon dressing

Our artichokes take over a disproportionate space in the flower bed and spread like giant thistles, which blossom beautifully if we forget to pick them in time.  This year, however we got there in time and I managed to pick ten which were still young and small enough to hold in the palm of the hand.  It was a glorious, hot July weekend, so I made the following salad, including all the almost blossoming heads of spinach which were about to go to seed:

Globe artichokes in lemon dressing

A dozen globe artichokes
(Optional) a handful of fresh spinach, rocket or chard - but only the smallest leaves


- 4 parts extra virgin olive oil
- 1 part lemon juice
1 teaspoon of smooth Dijon mustard (the link shows the French version that comes in a jar that can be used as a tumbler afterwards).
1 teaspoon of runny honey
(Optional) one small crushed garlic clove
Salt and pepper to taste

Boil a pan half full of water and wash the artichokes.  Put the artichokes in the pan with a pinch of salt and leave to cook until they are softening slightly (about 20 mins, but depends very much on size).

Drain the artichokes and peel off the outer leaves.  Keep peeling until the leaves are soft enough to eat whole (if the artichokes are larger they may all need removing).  The How Stuff Works website actually provides a far better description of how to cook artichokes than I've given, so try this if you're not familiar with them.

Mix all the dressing ingredients together in a jam jar and shake well.

Lay the artichoke hearts on the plate, surrounded by the salad leaves if using, and then pour over the dressing.  Yummy.

(Image courtersy of Pepperedjane, Wikimedia Commons)

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